

  • 姓名:王仁宏
  • 職稱:助理教授
  • 電話:02-2236-8225 轉 63439
  • 研究室:M625
  • 電子信箱:jenhung@mail.shu.edu.tw
  • 個人網站:
  • (113-1)本學期Office Hour:週一第3節、週二第6~7節、週三第3節
  • 政府研究資訊系統 – 世新財金研究計畫(GRB)








  • 世新大學財金系 助理教授 2003/8 ~


A. 期刊論文

  1. Jen-Hung Wang, Larry Y. Tzeng, and Junji Tain, 2006, 6, “Willingness to pay and the demand for lotto,” Applied Economics, 38, 10, 1207-1216. (SSCI)
  2. 韻文,劉淑鶯,王仁宏,2005, 9, “三元樹GARCH選擇權評價模型─台灣上限型認購權證評價之實證研究”,台灣金融財務季刊,第六輯第三期,123-140頁。
  3. Larry Y. Tzeng, and Jen-Hung Wang, 2004, 10, “Increase in risk and saving behavior,” Journal of Economics and Business, 56, 5, 405-414. (ABI, EconLit)
  4. Larry Y. Tzeng, and Jen-Hung Wang, 2002, 9, “An increase in background risk and demand for loss reduction,” Journal of Insurance Issues, 25, 2, 127-141. (ABI; 此文為我博士論文第三章之先前版本)

B. 研討會文章 (採審稿制度者)

  1. Larry Y. Tzeng, Jennifer L. Wang, Kili C. Wang, and Jen-Hung Wang, 2007, 5, “Provider-induced asymmetric information in the insurance market,” 第七屆風險管理理論研討會,台北,中華民國。(5月25日);2007, 7, Conference of Asia-Pacific Risk and Insurance Association, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.; 2007,8, Conference of American Risk and Insurance Association, Quebec Canada.
  2. Rachel Huang, Larry Y. Tzeng, and Jen-Hung Wang, 2004, 12, “Tax deduction for net losses as subsidizing insurance contract,” 2004國立臺灣大學財務金融國際研討會,台北,中華民國。(12月20日)
  3. Chyi-Mei Chen, Jen-Hung Wang, and Hsiao-Linh Hsu, 2003, 9, “Optimal information revelation policy in technology licensing second-price auction,” 世新大學經濟 2003 年學術研討會,台北,中華民國。(9月10日)
  4. Vincent Chang, Larry Y. Tzeng, and Jen-Hung Wang, 2003, “The wealth effect on demand for insurance when the loss is a function of wealth,” Conference of American Risk and Insurance Association, Denver, USA.
  5. Larry Y. Tzeng, Jennifer Wang, and Jen-Hung Wang, 2002, “Life insurance pricing under stochastic interests rates,” Conference of American Risk and Insurance Association, Montreal, Canada.
  6. Jennifer Wang and Jen-Hung Wang, 2002, “Net present value when interest rate follows a stochastic process–an application in pricing life insurance”, 政治大學第三屆風險管理與保險研討會,台北,中華民國。
  7. Larry Y. Tzeng and Jen-Hung Wang, 2001, “An increase in risk with multiple commodities,” Conference of American Risk and Insurance Association, Indianapolis, USA


  1. 96, 8—98, 7, “背景風險下的確定比較靜態研究—幾個特殊效用函數(1/2),” NSC 96-2416-H-128-005-MY2.
  2. 95, 8—96, 7, “政府稅賦政策在逆選擇情境下之福利意涵:損失稅賦抵免、保費補貼與Crocker-Snow稅賦機制,” NSC 95-2416-H-128-003.
  3. 94, 8—95, 7, “政府救助在逆選擇情境下之補貼性保險契約角色,” NSC 94-2416-H-128-004.
  4. 93, 8—94, 7, “淨損失稅負抵免在逆選擇情境下之補貼性保險契約角色,” NSC 93-2416-H-128-004.
  5. 92, 10—93, 7, “雙佔古諾競爭下次高價專利許可拍賣之最適資訊揭露政策,” NSC 92-2416-H-128-003.


  • 101學年度榮獲資深優良教師(十年獎)
  • 100學年度榮獲教學卓越教師-教學績優獎
  • 95學年度榮獲績優輔導老師(推薦獎)