
Yuan-Lin (Emma) Hsu  CV

Professor of Finance

  • 姓名:徐苑玲
  • 職稱:教授
  • 電話:02-2236-8225 轉 63408
  • 研究室:M608
  • 電子信箱:emmahsu@mail.shu.edu.tw
  • 個人網站:
  • (113-1)本學期Office Hour:週一第1~2節、週四第1、5節
  • 政府研究資訊系統 – 世新財金研究計畫(GRB)



本系電話:(02)2236-8225 #63432










  • 世新大學財金系 專任教授(2022/8~迄今)
  • 世新大學財務金融學系系主任(2018/8~2024/7)
  • 世新大學財金系 專任副教授 (2017/2~2022/7)
  • 元智大學資管系 兼任助理教授 (2011/2 ~ 2014/1)
  • 世新大學財金系 專任助理教授 (2006/8 ~ 2017/1)


A. 期刊論文

  1. Liao, Pei-An, Min-Xue Zhuang, Wen-Jhan Jane, Yuan-Lin Hsu (2023). Does star power mitigate the negative effect of cultural distance on box office revenue? Evidence from Taiwan. Journal of Media Economics (Forthcoming). (SSCI). 本人為通訊作者.
  2. Rieger, Marc Oliver, Mei Wang, Po-Kai Huang, Yuan-Lin Hsu (2022). Survey evidence on core factors of behavioral biases. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 100, 101912. (SSCI, IF=1.831) Corresponding Author.
  3. Tsai, Pei-Ling, Yuan-Lin Hsu, Hsiang-Hsuan Chih, Shih-Kuei Lin (2022). Theoretical and empirical analysis of options in open market share repurchases of Taiwan companies. International Review of Economics and Finance, 81, 205-226. (SSCI, IF=2.522 ; 科技部A-級期刊).
  4. Hsu, Yuan Lin, (2022). Financial advice seeking and behavioral bias. Finance Research Letters, 46, 102505. (SSCI, IF=5.596 ; 科技部A-級期刊).
  5. 黃柏凱, 徐苑玲, 李伊涵(2021年12月)。女性是否為風險趨避者?來自女性董事會成員的避險決策觀點。證券市場發展季刊,33(4), 31-76。(TSSCI, 管理學第一級)。本人為通訊作者
  6. Hsu, Yuan-Lin, Hung-Ling Chen, Po-Kai Huang, Wan-Yu Lin (2021, Jan). Does financial literacy mitigate gender differences in investment behavioral bias? Finance Research Letters, 41, 101789. (SSCI, IF=5.596 ; 科技部A-級期刊).
  7. 徐苑玲, 黃柏凱, 洪琳雅(2017年12月)。性別與投資行為偏誤。證券市場發展季刊,29(4), 147-181。(TSSCI, 管理學第一級)
  8. Hsu, Yuan-Lin and W.J. Jane, 2016, Bidirectional causality for word of mouth and the movie box office: An empirical investigation of panel data. Journal of Media Economics 29, 139-152. (SSCI)
  9. Hsu, Yuan-Lin, Shih-Kuei Lin, Ming-Chin Hung, and Tzu-Hui Huang, 2016, Empirical analysis of stock indices under a regime-switching model with dependent jump size risks, Economic Modelling 54, 260-275. (SSCI)
  10. Jane, W.J., W. P. Chen, and Yuan-Lin Hsu, 2015, The impact of deregulation on the movie box office after Taiwan’s entry into the WTO: the difference-in-differences estimation, Eurasian Business Review 5 (2), 289-308. (ESCI)
  11. Hsu, Yuan-Lin and E. H. Chow, 2013, The house money effect on investment risk taking: Evidence from Taiwan, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal 21, 1102-1115. (SSCI, 國科會財務類A tire 2級期刊)
  12. 郭迺鋒、徐苑玲、林建廷,「消費者信心指數與經濟活動臨近預測」,兩岸金融季刊,第一卷,第二期,民國一百零二年十二月,61-82。
  13. 陳虹伶、周行一、徐苑玲、黃寬彥,「台灣股票市場長期績效」,台灣金融財務季刊,第11輯,第3期,民國九十九年九月,89-114。
  14. 徐苑玲、郭迺鋒、林筱寧、陳瑩潔,「台灣投資人情緒指數新編製與股票市場報酬之間的關聯性」,貨幣觀測與信用評等,第83期,民國九十九年五月,60-73。
  15. Hsu, C., Yuan-Lin Hsu, and P. L. Hsu, 2005, Financial performance prediction using Constraint-Based Evolutionary Classification Tree (CECT) Approach, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3612, 812-821. (SCI)
  16. Chou, P. H., Yuan-Lin Hsu, and G. Zhou, 2000, Investment horizon and the cross section of expected returns: Evidence from the Tokyo Stock Exchange, Annals of Economics and Finance 1, 79-100. (SSCI)

B. 研討會論文

  1. Hsu, Yuan-Lin, and Yu-Chen Chung, 2019, How Dose Investment Behavioral Bias Vary with Financial Literacy and Financial Advice? 2019 International Conference on Business and Social Science, Kyoto, Japan.
  2. Hsu, Yuan-Lin, Wan-Yu Lin, and Po-Kai Huang, 2017, Does financial literacy mitigate the gender difference in investment behavioral bias? 2017 International Symposium on Business and Management, Seoul, Korea.
  3. Hsu, Yuan-Lin and Edward H. Chow, 2017, House money effect of institutional investors, 2017 International Symposium on Business and Management, Seoul, Korea.
  4. Hsu, Yuan-Lin, Hung-ling Chen, and Edward H. Chow, 2012, Information content of familiar stocks for individual investors, 2012 Behavioral Finance & International Financial Markets Theory and Empirics Conference, Taipei, Taiwan.
  5. Hsu, Yuan-Lin and Edward H. Chow, House money and investment risk taking, The 23rd Australasian Finance & Banking Conference 2010, Sydney, Australia. The 4th NCTU International Finance Conference 2011, Hsinchu, Taiwan.
  6. Hsu, Yuan-Lin, Nai-Fong Guo, and Jun-Wei Huang, 2009, The attribution behavior of mutual fund managers: Who’s fault for the loss of investing value stocks? 2009 International Conference of Taiwan Finance Association, Chungli, Taiwan.
  7. Hsu, Yuan-Lin, Nai-Fong Guo, Hsiao-Ning Lin, and Ju-Chun Cheng, 2009, Is closed-end fund discount an indicator in the bear market: An application of Markov Switching Vector Autoregression model, 2009 CTFA Annual Conference-Financial Crisis & Risk Management, Taichung, Taiwan.
  8. Chen, Hung-ling, Edward H. Chow, and Yuan-Lin Hsu, Market reaction to corporate name changes: Evidence from the Taiwan stock market, The 18th International Conference on Pacific Rim Management 2008, Toronto, Canada.


  • 投資行為偏誤如何隨著金融素養與智商而改變? ,學術研究計畫 (P10906),2020/11/04至2021/06/30。
  • 金融能力、行為偏誤及投資組合的選擇,科技部專題研究計畫(107-2410-H-128-011),2018/8/1 至 2019/7/31。
  • 熟悉的股票真的有資訊內涵嗎?,科技部專題研究計畫(98-2410-H-128-002), 2009/8/1 至 2011/7/31。
  • 散戶投資人的交易偏好,科技部專題研究計畫(97-2410-H-128-002),2008/8/1 至 2009/7/31。
  • 機構投資人之行為偏誤與風險承擔行為,國科會專題研究計畫(96-2416-H-128-006-),2007/8/1 至 2008/7/31。
  • 熟悉感、注意力與交易行為:股票市場散戶行為之分析,國科會專題研究計畫(95-2416-H-128-004-),2006/10/1 至 2007/7/31。


  • 動見資本股份有限公司:建構股市趨勢預測模型(108-B-007),2020/04/01至2020/07/31。


  • 112學年度榮獲「傑出研究績優獎」
  • 107學年度榮獲「行政傑出教師-行政績優教師獎」
  • 106學年度獲得資深優良教師十年獎
  • 106學年度榮獲「學術創作獎勵」
  • 105學年度榮獲「學術創作獎勵」2篇
  • 104學年度榮獲「教學卓越教師-教學績優獎」
  • 101學年度榮獲「績優輔導老師」
  • 101學年度榮獲「學術創作獎勵」