
Yuan-Lin (Emma) Hsu  CV

Professor of Finance

  • 姓名:徐苑玲
  • 職稱:教授
  • 電話:02-2236-8225 轉 63408
  • 研究室:M608
  • 電子信箱:emmahsu@mail.shu.edu.tw
  • 個人網站:
  • (113-1)本學期Office Hour:週一第1~2節、週四第1、5節
  • 政府研究資訊系統 – 世新財金研究計畫(GRB)



本系電話:(02)2236-8225 #63432










  • 世新大學財金系 專任教授(2022/8~迄今)
  • 世新大學財務金融學系系主任(2018/8~2024/7)
  • 世新大學財金系 專任副教授 (2017/2~2022/7)
  • 元智大學資管系 兼任助理教授 (2011/2 ~ 2014/1)
  • 世新大學財金系 專任助理教授 (2006/8 ~ 2017/1)


A. 期刊論文

  1. Chen, Hung-Ling, Yuan-Lin Hsu, Chi-Yang Lu (2024). Revisiting financial fragility during the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence from Taiwan. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, 44, 100993. (SSCI, IF=4.3) 本人為通訊作者.
  2. Liao, Pei-An, Min-Xue Zhuang, Wen-Jhan Jane, Yuan-Lin Hsu (2022). Does star power mitigate the negative effect of cultural distance on box office revenue? Evidence from Taiwan. Journal of Media Economics, 34(4), 243-265. (SSCI) 本人為通訊作者.
  3. Rieger, Marc Oliver, Mei Wang, Po-Kai Huang, Yuan-Lin Hsu (2022). Survey evidence on core factors of behavioral biases. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 100, 101912. (SSCI, IF=1.831) Corresponding Author.
  4. Tsai, Pei-Ling, Yuan-Lin Hsu, Hsiang-Hsuan Chih, Shih-Kuei Lin (2022). Theoretical and empirical analysis of options in open market share repurchases of Taiwan companies. International Review of Economics and Finance, 81, 205-226. (SSCI, IF=2.522 ; 科技部A-級期刊).
  5. Hsu, Yuan Lin, (2022). Financial advice seeking and behavioral bias. Finance Research Letters, 46, 102505. (SSCI, IF=5.596 ; 科技部A-級期刊).
  6. 黃柏凱, 徐苑玲, 李伊涵(2021年12月)。女性是否為風險趨避者?來自女性董事會成員的避險決策觀點。證券市場發展季刊,33(4), 31-76。(TSSCI, 管理學第一級)。本人為通訊作者
  7. Hsu, Yuan-Lin, Hung-Ling Chen, Po-Kai Huang, Wan-Yu Lin (2021, Jan). Does financial literacy mitigate gender differences in investment behavioral bias? Finance Research Letters, 41, 101789. (SSCI, IF=5.596 ; 科技部A-級期刊).
  8. 徐苑玲, 黃柏凱, 洪琳雅(2017年12月)。性別與投資行為偏誤。證券市場發展季刊,29(4), 147-181。(TSSCI, 管理學第一級)
  9. Hsu, Yuan-Lin and W.J. Jane, 2016, Bidirectional causality for word of mouth and the movie box office: An empirical investigation of panel data. Journal of Media Economics 29, 139-152. (SSCI)
  10. Hsu, Yuan-Lin, Shih-Kuei Lin, Ming-Chin Hung, and Tzu-Hui Huang, 2016, Empirical analysis of stock indices under a regime-switching model with dependent jump size risks, Economic Modelling 54, 260-275. (SSCI)
  11. Jane, W.J., W. P. Chen, and Yuan-Lin Hsu, 2015, The impact of deregulation on the movie box office after Taiwan’s entry into the WTO: the difference-in-differences estimation, Eurasian Business Review 5 (2), 289-308. (ESCI)
  12. Hsu, Yuan-Lin and E. H. Chow, 2013, The house money effect on investment risk taking: Evidence from Taiwan, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal 21, 1102-1115. (SSCI, 國科會財務類A tire 2級期刊)
  13. 郭迺鋒、徐苑玲、林建廷,「消費者信心指數與經濟活動臨近預測」,兩岸金融季刊,第一卷,第二期,民國一百零二年十二月,61-82。
  14. 陳虹伶、周行一、徐苑玲、黃寬彥,「台灣股票市場長期績效」,台灣金融財務季刊,第11輯,第3期,民國九十九年九月,89-114。
  15. 徐苑玲、郭迺鋒、林筱寧、陳瑩潔,「台灣投資人情緒指數新編製與股票市場報酬之間的關聯性」,貨幣觀測與信用評等,第83期,民國九十九年五月,60-73。
  16. Hsu, C., Yuan-Lin Hsu, and P. L. Hsu, 2005, Financial performance prediction using Constraint-Based Evolutionary Classification Tree (CECT) Approach, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3612, 812-821. (SCI)
  17. Chou, P. H., Yuan-Lin Hsu, and G. Zhou, 2000, Investment horizon and the cross section of expected returns: Evidence from the Tokyo Stock Exchange, Annals of Economics and Finance 1, 79-100. (SSCI)

B. 研討會論文

  1. Hsu, Yuan-Lin, and Yu-Chen Chung, 2019, How Dose Investment Behavioral Bias Vary with Financial Literacy and Financial Advice? 2019 International Conference on Business and Social Science, Kyoto, Japan.
  2. Hsu, Yuan-Lin, Wan-Yu Lin, and Po-Kai Huang, 2017, Does financial literacy mitigate the gender difference in investment behavioral bias? 2017 International Symposium on Business and Management, Seoul, Korea.
  3. Hsu, Yuan-Lin and Edward H. Chow, 2017, House money effect of institutional investors, 2017 International Symposium on Business and Management, Seoul, Korea.
  4. Hsu, Yuan-Lin, Hung-ling Chen, and Edward H. Chow, 2012, Information content of familiar stocks for individual investors, 2012 Behavioral Finance & International Financial Markets Theory and Empirics Conference, Taipei, Taiwan.
  5. Hsu, Yuan-Lin and Edward H. Chow, House money and investment risk taking, The 23rd Australasian Finance & Banking Conference 2010, Sydney, Australia. The 4th NCTU International Finance Conference 2011, Hsinchu, Taiwan.
  6. Hsu, Yuan-Lin, Nai-Fong Guo, and Jun-Wei Huang, 2009, The attribution behavior of mutual fund managers: Who’s fault for the loss of investing value stocks? 2009 International Conference of Taiwan Finance Association, Chungli, Taiwan.
  7. Hsu, Yuan-Lin, Nai-Fong Guo, Hsiao-Ning Lin, and Ju-Chun Cheng, 2009, Is closed-end fund discount an indicator in the bear market: An application of Markov Switching Vector Autoregression model, 2009 CTFA Annual Conference-Financial Crisis & Risk Management, Taichung, Taiwan.
  8. Chen, Hung-ling, Edward H. Chow, and Yuan-Lin Hsu, Market reaction to corporate name changes: Evidence from the Taiwan stock market, The 18th International Conference on Pacific Rim Management 2008, Toronto, Canada.


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  • 投資行為偏誤如何隨著金融素養與智商而改變? ,學術研究計畫 (P10906),2020/11/04至2021/06/30。
  • 金融能力、行為偏誤及投資組合的選擇,科技部專題研究計畫(107-2410-H-128-011),2018/8/1 至 2019/7/31。
  • 熟悉的股票真的有資訊內涵嗎?,科技部專題研究計畫(98-2410-H-128-002), 2009/8/1 至 2011/7/31。
  • 散戶投資人的交易偏好,科技部專題研究計畫(97-2410-H-128-002),2008/8/1 至 2009/7/31。
  • 機構投資人之行為偏誤與風險承擔行為,國科會專題研究計畫(96-2416-H-128-006-),2007/8/1 至 2008/7/31。
  • 熟悉感、注意力與交易行為:股票市場散戶行為之分析,國科會專題研究計畫(95-2416-H-128-004-),2006/10/1 至 2007/7/31。


  • 台灣金融研訓院,2024台灣金融生活調查計畫,2024/5/1至2024/10/31
  • 動見資本股份有限公司:建構股市趨勢預測模型(108-B-007),2020/04/01至2020/07/31。


  • 112學年度榮獲「傑出研究績優獎」
  • 107學年度榮獲「行政傑出教師-行政績優教師獎」
  • 106學年度獲得資深優良教師十年獎
  • 106學年度榮獲「學術創作獎勵」
  • 105學年度榮獲「學術創作獎勵」2篇
  • 104學年度榮獲「教學卓越教師-教學績優獎」
  • 101學年度榮獲「績優輔導老師」
  • 101學年度榮獲「學術創作獎勵」